Hi Dmitriy

You need to start Orion with:
java -Xdebug -Xnoagent 
-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000 -jar orion.jar

then in NetBeans, go to Debug menu > Attach,
change the Debugger Type to Default debugger (JPDA),
Connector to SocketAttach,
Host to the hostname of the machine running Orion (localhost if its yours)
and Port to 8000 (or whatever you specify in the address argument in 
-Xrenjdwp when starting Orion)

Dmitriy Serebryakov wrote:

>Hi, Everyone
>Might be it is simple, but I have tried, no luck, no use of FAQ from
>orionserver.com neither docs for both orion and Netbeans. I could not find
>clear explanation what to do to get JSP's debugged.
>Any suggestions about best (or better) way to do that, may be another IDE?
>Running JDK 1.3 SE on Win2K Pro on Intel Pentium, Orionserver 1.5.2,
>NetBeans 3.2.1

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