I bounced the client, deleted cache/cookies and still saw the auto-login
behavior on every request to my UserManager without seeing the login
the 2nd--Nth time.  So how could the client be silently supplying the
user/pass on every request???  Still looks like the container is calling
UserManager with it's cached copy of user/passwd....

I could have run my client through a logging proxy to tattle-tail whether
the container was issuing an HTTP challenge on every get/post or not??

Given that I bounced my client and deleted cookies/cache I'm still
mystified about HTTP challenge issues???   Regardless I've moved on to
FORM authentication and folks on this list find value in the current HTTP
challenge behavior for their development cycle not pestering them for
re-login....  :-/


>Nope. This is browser, not orion behavior. It complies to the HTTP specs.

> I saw this too and went to FORM authentication and don't see this
> anymore.
> I still use UserManager to receive the user/passwd from the FORM
> via the Container, but I don't see the UserManager calls on every
> request.
> Based on this, I feel it's a bug in orion that BASIC behaves this
> way.
> curt

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