Hi All

I am implementing the Session Facade design pattern in an application along
with the DAOs. The deviation being no use of Entity beans. What I have
apparently is as follows:
1. A Session Facade bean which has 'open new account method' for which i
have defined RequiresNew transaction attribute
2. Another session bean which has 2 methods that use DAO services to insert
a record in Account table and insert one entry in Customer-Account table.
These session bean methods have transaction attributes set to Requires
3, In the DAO, using the Initial Context of the container, I am trying to
get the connection from the connection pool of the container. In each of the
above 2 methods, i get the connection from the Data source and then close it
at the end.

Now the problem, the transaction is not actually attributed to the method as
it runs, and the first insert ( to the account table) is not rolled back
though the second one (to customer-account table) is when the customer for
which the account is being created does not exist !!!

Any idea where i am going wrong??
Well... i am using orion 1.5.2

Thanks in advance

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