I have created an orion-ejb-jar.xml descriptor for the Session bean Foo and
Foo2, but I can't succeed in looking up the object using JNDI. The
descriptor is located in META-INF/ in the EJB jar and looks like this:

    <session-deployment name="Foo" location="foo-stateless"/>
    <session-deployment name="Foo2" location="foo-stateful"/>

I'm not too sure the syntax is correct, any pointer to more information
would be very usefull. The source I'm using is

The client stops with this error:

HP9000:~/src/BeanCommTest/FooBean/dist$ java TestFoo
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: foo-stateless not found
        at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIContext.lookup(Unknown Source)
        at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(InitialContext.java:350)
        at TestFoo.main(TestFoo.java:29)

A few extra questions:

1 - Is it possible to deploy an EJB without using EAR application archives?
Currently the only way I see, is to incorporate it in an EAR and deploy the
latter into Orion.

2 - How can I see all bounded JNDI objects in the Orion server? I don't see
any command options alike in admin.jar.

3 - Is there any way to increase logging verbosity? It would be very handy
during introduction into the Orion environment.


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