Title: Marshalling excetpion

HERE2 HERE3 Exception:ProjectEdit.savePMBackupMgr(): Transaction was rolled back: Error preparing bean instance: com.evermind.transaction.MarshallingXAException; nested exception is: com.evermind.transaction.MarshallingXAException Display Project

Exception: ProjectDisplay:showPage()Transaction was rolled back: Error preparing bean instance: com.evermind.transaction.MarshallingXAException; nested exception is: com.evermind.transaction.MarshallingXAException 

-- i keep getting this error ... and no other errors are getting thrown or printed out.

I seemed to have noticed though ... it occurs more on pages that i am passing through LOADS of info .. is there something i am doing wrong? What makes this happen??


Joseph Faisal Nusairat, Sr. Project Manager
tel: 614-723-4232
pager: 888-452-0399

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