>From other requests I've seen in the past, I think you will have to reinvent the 

But there is hope!  Write a ServletFilter to write accesses to a database, and share 
it with the world.

I've been thinking of a Filter for access logging, along the lines of this
Tomcat proprietary "Interceptor" discussed here (but haven't really had a need to):

I don't see any Cookie specific code ("-" for no cookie) but that probably
wouldn't be difficult to add.

I haven't done this, or plan to soon, but I think you should contact Jochen
(the author of the above Interceptor [EMAIL PROTECTED]) for permission
if you plan to reuse his code (or Apache's code?).

Lance Lavandowska
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert S. Sfeir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 1:38 PM
Subject: DB Logger Servlet

> Before I go re invent the wheel, I was wondering if anyone knew of a
> FREE servlet which would stream access log requests from the log file
> which Orion generates, and insert them (normalized of course) in DB
> tables so we can run immediate reports on the data.  I'm hoping it would
> not be DB specific, but if it were, Oracle would be good.

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