I had a similar problem but found a fix for it. I assume you are using mm.mysql as 
your jdbc driver:

create table Article (
        articleId varchar(100) not null primary key,
        churchId varchar(100),
        userId varchar(100),
        title varchar(100),
        content longtext,
        createDate datetime,
        expirationDate datetime,
        expirable enum('t', 'f')

I had to modify my table to use enum('t', 'f') instead of bit or tinyint as a boolean 
type, and then it works.

- Brian
-----Original Message-----
From: Roozbeh Ghaffari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problems with CMP/MySQL
Date: Sun Sep 30 08:38:18 GMT 2001

Hi All,
We use Orion CMP features with MySQL. We had problems with boolean and
char fields.
I used P6Spy (www.provision6.com)  to see SQL commands generated by
Orion says:
update table_name set boolean_field = 'true'
but MySQL expects
update table_name set boolean_field = '1'
How can I ask Orion to generate the expected SQL?
But in case of character field we have a bigger problem.
I try to set a character field to 'F' or 'M'
Orion says:
update table_name set char_field = 0
I don't understand what is happening!
Thank you in advance,

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