Well.. I'm using declarative (using only xml descriptors) security not programative security.
Elena Barns wrote :
This exception is thrown when you use method that throws this exception, so
as with any exception you have to put this method in try{} block and in
catch(e com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException) {} put method that
shows the user message about lacking of security permissions. This is my
1. I canīt catch the com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException because itīs a Orion propietary Exception and my Application must work over any Application Server to get the J2EE Certified Seal.
Serguei Batiuk wrote :
You probably need to derive all you exceptions from RemoteException, and work with these exceptions as usually, for example:
public class WrongUserException extends RemoteException {
  public WrongUserException { 
Then you code will look like:
public class SomeClass {
  public void SomeMethod {
    try {
      // Invoke some secure method..
      MyEJB ejb = someBean.someSecureMethod();
    catch( WrongUserException e ) {
      // Wrong User!
    catch( RemoteException ) {
      // Something else has happened!
2. Yeah... good idea but how and when must I throw this "WrongUserException" ? Thatīs my problem... I donīt know when I have a pure RemoteException or when I have a RemoteException that mask a Security Constraint...
David Bonilla Fuertes
Profesor Waksman, 8, 6š B
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