Greetings, Swavek.

I think the problem may be your orion-ejb-jar.xml file.  If you do not
have one (you did not post one), Orion will autogenerate one for you
based (loosely) on your ejb-jar.xml file.  It is similar to the one for
the J2EE server, and the details are available on the Orion
Documentation web pages.  The file that orion generates will, if left to
its own devices, give your ejbs JNDI names that end in EJB.  In this
case, for you to access your EJB, you would most likely have to look for
CountEJB.  Even if you do specify one, Orion will still create and use
its own, but will use yours as the template.  What happens is that when
it generates the stub and skeleton files, these generated files are what
is actually stored as the home and remote interfaces in the xml file. 
If it is reading yours, it will set the JNDI names as you specify.  Use
your OrionConsole to examine what Orion thinks your Jar file looks like.

If you want to change the JNDI name of something that Orion has
autogenerated info for, you will have to make sure that all of the
"temp" files are deleted.  There seem to be two sets, one in the
ORION_HOME/application-deployments directory, and one with the .ear file
(if you are using ear files).


"Lorenc, Swavek" wrote:
> I am trying to get to work the examples from Ed Roman's book "Mastering
> Enerprise Java Beans".
> One of his examples is "CountBean" client application.
> Here is what I have done so far.
> I have Orion installed in
> D:\Program Files\SPSSWeb\Orion
> J2EE sdk installed in
> C:\j2sdkee1.2.1
> Java SDK installed in
> C:\jdk1.3
> I created classes CountBean, CountHome, Count in a package session.count and
> located them
> in c:\orionapp\classes\session\count. In the same directory I also have
> CountClient class.
> I compiled allclasses from C:\orionapp\classes.
> Using Sun's deploytool I crated the Mastering.ear file containing
> ejb-jar-ic.jar
> app-client-ic.jar
> META-INF\applicatioin.xml
> META-INF\sun-j2ee-ri.xml
> I deployed the application into Orion and got the following confirmation:
> Auto-deploying mastering (Assembly had been updated)...
> Auto-deploying ejb-jar-ic.jar (ejb-jar.xml had been touched since the
> previous d
> eployment)... done.
> Auto-deploying app-client-ic.jar (Previous deployment not found)... done.
> I extracted the files contained int the app-client-ic.jar into
> c:\orionapp\classes.
> Now I am trying to run the client application like this and get the
> following error:
> C:\orionapp\classes>java -classpath
> c:\orionapp\classes\;C:\orionapp\orionlib\or
> ion.jar session.count.CountClient
> javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Count_JNDIName not found
>         at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIContext.lookup(Unknown Source)
>         at com.evermind._dkb.lookup(Unknown Source)
>         at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
>         at session.count.CountClient.main(
> The code in that tries to look up the CountHome object
> looks like this:
> package session.count;
> import javax.ejb.*;
> import javax.naming.*;
> import java.util.Properties;
> public class CountClient
> {
>     public static void main(String [] args)
>     {
>         try
>         {
>             Properties props = System.getProperties();
>             Context ctx = new InitialContext(props);
>             CountHome home = (CountHome) ctx.lookup("Count_JNDIName");
> According to some postings in this mail list when the client application is
> looking up
> ejbs it shouldn't use the java:comp/env prefixed names.
> Here is the contents of the various xml files (minus the headers).  All of
> these files were
> created either by deploytool or by Orion's deployment process.
> c:\orionapp\classes\META-INF\application-client.xml
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> <application-client>
>   <display-name>CountClient</display-name>
>   <description>Description entered via New Client Application
> Wizard</description>
>   <env-entry>
>     <description>Some environment entry</description>
>     <env-entry-name>xyz</env-entry-name>
>     <env-entry-type>java.lang.String</env-entry-type>
>     <env-entry-value>6</env-entry-value>
>   </env-entry>
>   <ejb-ref>
>     <description>main EJB referenced in the code</description>
>     <ejb-ref-name>session.count.CountBean</ejb-ref-name>
>     <ejb-ref-type>Session</ejb-ref-type>
>     <home>session.count.CountHome</home>
>     <remote>session.count.Count</remote>
>   </ejb-ref>
> </application-client>
> c:\orionapp\classes\META-INF\orion-application-client.xml
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> <orion-application-client>
>         <ejb-ref-mapping name="session.count.CountBean" location="Count" />
> </orion-application-client>
> c:\orionapp\classes\
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> #Orion JNDI properties
> #Tue Oct 02 17:57:23 CDT 2001
> java.naming.provider.url=ormi\://\:23791/mastering
> java.naming.factory.initial=com.evermind.server.ApplicationClientInitialCont
> extFactory
> c:\orionapp\classes\META-INF\sun-j2ee-ri.xml
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> <j2ee-ri-specific-information>
>   <app-client>
>     <ejb-ref>
>       <ejb-ref-name>session.count.CountBean</ejb-ref-name>
>       <jndi-name>Count_JNDIName</jndi-name>
>     </ejb-ref>
>   </app-client>
> </j2ee-ri-specific-information>
> I have been trying to solve this problem for the last 2 days by looking on
> Orion's site,
> this site, javasoft site but I can't figure out what is wrong.  It seems to
> me that
> JNDI doesn't have the right name or maybe the xml files don't contain the
> right information.
> Please help.
> Thank you
> Swavek

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

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