Hello All

I try to throw business exception from finder method of my entity EJB:

public Collection ejbFindByUniLinks(int obj2, int n2)
       throws FinderException, DocumentSecurityException

but it doesn't reach the client level.
In home interface wrapper I found this lines:
java.util.Collection response = null;
response = 
// My finder method is called, here exception is thrown.
// response was not initialized!
catch(ru.cboss.components.document.exceptions.DocumentSecurityException e)
methodException = e;
// Exception is catched here
catch(javax.ejb.FinderException e)
methodException = e;
catch(Throwable e)
if(thread.transaction != null) setRollbackOnly(thread.transaction, e.toString(), e);
methodException = EJBUtils.getUserException(e, !created);
java.util.Collection collection = new java.util.ArrayList();
Iterator iterator = response.iterator();
// Because finder method throwed exception, response variable was not
// initialized and was left null,
// so this line cause NullPointerException, wich comes to the
// client level!

Is it a bug?
How can I deliver error message from finder method in a different way?

Best regards,
 Sergey G. Aslanov                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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