I will be out of the office from 10-Sep-2001 to 03-Oct-2001, with limited email and voice mail access.  For business matters, please click on the link below to contact the relevant person.

PetStore eXtreme matters :James H. Brooks 

Other business matters, my manager : David L. Johnson

Thank you.

Chris Chelliah

--- Begin Message ---
dear all,
i was studying orion-ejb-jar.xml and i found copy-by-value as an attribute
of <entity-deployment>. according to orion-ejb-jar.xml.html (/docs/)
setting this to false improves the performance of the entity beans.
WHEN can i do this? if my beans have no setter methods in their remote
interface mean that i can ask the container not to copy-by-value my beans?
many thanx.


--- End Message ---

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