java -Xmx128M
-Dcom.slsideas.pagegen.SystemRoot=. -jar %ORION_HOME%\orion.jar
check in the orion-application.jar file in your
application-deployments\APP_NAME directory - I tend to get multiple
<library path="./lib" /> tags in it, which causes Orion to hang.
(Orion adds these into tags in itself upon deployment for some strange
bet is that you have something strange in your ejb-jar.xml that causes Orion
to start eating memory like popcorn.
would be great to hear the typo that led to this situation once you've found
It's a little bit strange... I'm implementing security
on my application and customizing my xml descriptors. All went ok (I had
Basic Authentication) and I wanted to implement security also in the
EJBs methods. I change the ejb-jar.xml source and this text appears
Auto-deploying UbicuaCMP.jar (Classes were
updated)... The compiler has run out of memory. Consider using
the "-J-mx<number>" command line option to increase t he
maximum heap size. Error compiling D:\Orion155\ubicua/UbicuaCMP.jar:
Syntax error in source Orion/1.5.2 initialized
I work with 512MB memory... so I don´t think is a
problem of lack of memory... I try to use also the
"-J-mx<number>" command but it doesnt work !. Can anybody
explain where and how works this command ? (a sample example will be