Looks like what you really need is to make these methods static and not
bother with object instance at all.

Jirka Vorac wrote:
> Hi,
> this question is not about Orion. I hope you'll answer it.
> I don't know when to use object pool.
> Following scenario is what I need, but I'll be hapy
> to hear more about pooling.
> I only know one reason for pooling. It is decreasing
> time of creation.
> I have class providing some methods. Methods do not change
> class variables, they only read them and use parameter values.
> So I think, if I have only one obejct of this class instantiated,
> I can call this methods from various Threads without synchronization
> and it should work properly. Is it true or do I need this objects to
> be pooled?
> Thank you
> Jirka

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