
I am trying to accomplish RMI clustering and seem to be having JNDI problems
in the process.
I have performed the following changes to my deployment settings.

1) orion-application.xml
Changed all bean remote="false" to remote="true"

2) rmi.xml

Added <rmi-server host="localhost" port="9091">
and     <cluster username="cluster" password="cluster">

3) jndi.properties at the top level in my ear file looks like this


My application is located at the following url https://localhost:9090/webApp

4) In my code I am creating an initial context and looking up a bean but get
a NameNotFoundException. The code in my JSP looks like :

Context ctx = getInitialContext();
Object home = ctx.lookup("LoginSL");
loginHome = (LoginSLHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(home,

The above code is giving me the following exception :
Does someone know what I am doing wrong in either the code or deployment
settings ??

500 Internal Server Error
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: LoginSL not found
        at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build
10460)].server.rmi.RMIContext.lookup(Unknown Source)
        at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460)]._cf._np(Unknown Source)
        at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460)]._cf.lookup(Unknown Source)
        at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(Unknown Source)
        at /processLogin.jsp._jspService(/processLogin.jsp.java:67) (JSP page line
        at com.orionserver[Orion/1.5.2 (build
10460)].http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(Unknown Source)
        at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460)]._ah._rad(Unknown Source)
        at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build
10460)].server.http.JSPServlet.service(Unknown Source)
        at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460)]._cxb._abe(Unknown Source)
        at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460)]._cxb._uec(Unknown Source)
        at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460)]._io._twc(Unknown Source)
        at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460)]._io._gc(Unknown Source)
        at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460)]._if.run(Unknown Source)



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