This might seem like a stupid suggestion but try changing the order you pass the parameters in so the number of records you are retrieving is first and the id is second.
If you look at the generated query it uses P1 and P2 and if they standard for parameters they are the wrong way around.
Its worth a try.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Eddie
Sent: 08 October 2001 19:53
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Query help please ??


I have problems with a advanced finder, in combination with the Ms SQL

I have a the following finder:
   <finder-method query="select top $2 * from sgssmsmo where acc_id=$1 order
by dattimrec desc" partial="false">
    <!-- Generated SQL: "select top ? * from sgssmsmo where acc_id=? order
by dattimrec desc" -->

The SUN jdbc-odbc driver (I also tried the i-net Opta driver) fires the
following query (see with the Ms profiler):
declare @P1 int
set @P1=NULL
exec sp_prepexec @P1 output, N'@P1 int,@P2 int', N'select top @P1 * from
sgssmsmo where acc_id=@P2 order by dattimrec desc', 0, 2
select @P1

Which gives the following error:
        Nested exception is:
java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Serv
er]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '@P1'.
        at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.createSQLException(Unknown Source)
        at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.standardError(Unknown Source)
        at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.SQLExecute(Unknown Source)
        at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcPreparedStatement.execute(UnknownSource)

If I change the $2 argument in the finder to a constant:
   <finder-method query="select top 5 * from sgssmsmo where acc_id=$2 order
by dattimrec desc" partial="false">
    <!-- Generated SQL: "select top 5 * from sgssmsmo where acc_id=? order
by dattimrec desc" -->

Everyting goes fine ?!!!, that is, the driver fires the following query:
declare @P1 int
set @P1=1
exec sp_prepexec @P1 output, N'@P1 int', N'select top 5 * from sgssmsmo
where acc_id=@P1 order by dattimrec desc', 0
select @P1

Any idea what it is ??? (I am not such a Ms SQL server expert yet ...)
I print the input argument and they aren't zero or null:
     public Collection findByAcc_IdNext(int acc_Id, int num) throws
RemoteException, FinderException;
BTW: I use Orion 1.5.1 and are parsing it all so that it can be used on the
Ms SQL database, whereas it worked on the Postgres database.
Why isn't Orion/the JDBC driver just firing the generated query that I see
in the orion-ejb.jar file ???.

What am I missing here :(

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