** Okay guys, I've updated this email with a decent example I hope **

> Access to each session bean instance is serialized, but the spec
> doesn't specifically allow you to say there may only be one instance
> of a particular session bean class.  

** so in otherwords, pretty much it achieves the effect I wanted with
little effort... that's kinda nice... and it does this no matter what
isolation/transaction level I request or would you recommend a few 

> Access to entity beans is also
> serialized and you can be certain that, in a a given app server
> instance (neglecting clustering issues), there's only one instance of a
> particular entity bean class + primary key.  

okay, so if I have two servlets, if I change the value of say foo of
an entity, the other servlet upon say reading the value foo will
see the new value automagically?  Even if I don't do another finder

> It sounds to me like your
> talking about something much more like an entity.  You can still get
> the guarantee you're looking for if you access the entity through a
> session bean, but the guarantee comes from the properties of the
> entity bean, not the session bean.

Well I thought of using the session bean because I'm kinda trying to
perform an action that has three steps:
        1) check balance
        2) deduct from account 
        3) credit new account

But the problem comes not from making sure there's only one copy, but
the (I think you call it) a race condition.

Say $5 in bank account A, and we want to pay account B $4 and account C

Servlet 1:
        Task: Pay Account B $4 from Account A
Servlet 2: 
        Task: Pay Account C $3 from Account A

Servlet 1: 
        1) Check account balance
                Yup $5 is more than $4
Servlet 2:
        1) Check account balance
                Yup $5 is more than 3
Servlet 1:
        2) Deduct $4 from Acct A
Servlet 2: 
        2) Deduct $3 from Account A (must be okay since the check was okay in
step 1)

Servlet 1:
        3) Credit Acct B $4
Servlet 2:
        3) Credit Acct C $3

End result, balance on Acct A is -$2 even though we checked to make sure
entity had the correct balance.  Yes the ending balance is correct too! 
the end result is _undesirable_ since we should have prevented Servlet 2
completing execution and throw an exception.

So I hope to make the task Synchronized such that Servlet 2 is Blocked
Servlet 1's transfer task is complete such that the following is

Servlet 1:
        Task: $4 from A to B
Servlet 2:
        Task: $3 From A to C
Servlet 1:
        Call Session Bean to Xfer funds
                stuff happens
                1) ... ok
Servlet 2:
        Call Session Bean to Xfer Funds
                1) ... can't check yet, the Session bean is busy
                        with session 1's request
                -- Blocked --
Servlet 1:
        .. more stuff happens...
                2) ... deduct
                3) ... deposit
                -- Finish --
Servlet 2:
                -- Unblocked --
                1) .. continue... check... too little money
                        ** Throw Exception
                -- Finish --

So yes in both cases the Entity reacts as programmed, but it's the
Session Bean I hope to change the behavior of.  Is the desired
behavior the default way of execution or do I have to do something

> Does that help any?
yes it does, and don't get me wrong, I trust what you're saying, but
I just ask a little more to make sure I understand all the little
"unsaid" details ;)  

Thanks again!


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