> Is there any information available when Orion will support EJB2.0 
> and EJB QL

My thoughts on CMP vs BMP:
On my project I went with BMP + DAO patterns + business deligates
at the client tier that deligate reads to the much more efficient
DAO's (direct access to the DB) and updates to transactional 
components (entities mediated by session beans).

With CMP you don't have the higher performance choice at the
client business deligate level to go directly to the DB via
DAO's, all reads have to go through the transactional tier
(for no good reason except to boost the stock of your appserver
and hardware vendors).

My personal opinion about CMP, that I'd like to hear other's 
experience on is that you'll spend almost as much time developing and
debugging QL as you would DAO+SQL.  You'll loose the much higher
performance direct access to the DB for read operations.  Given
that most web site pages are doing read, (display of catalogue
pages) use of CMP for reads through entities makes no sense unless
a slow web site is desired.

Any thoughts?

thanks,  curt

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