Hallo all,
I've get working a simle enterprise app with just only ejb module and one EJB inside it. 
I've tested it with standalone console client ... all is working well.
Here is its directory structure:
But when I trying to
    - add java module (named ejb-start-up) 
    - creating orion-application.xml and setting up auto-start="true" entry 
    - restart orion
then .... something strange happens ... it seems orion just ignores orion-application.xml !?
Even if I clean %ORION_HOME%\application-deployments directory before deployment.
And looking at deployments directory I see that .... application-deployments\or_mapping\orion-application.xml doesn't have a new module entry ... why ??
Here is a dir sructure of modifiyed app:
== manifest.mf ==
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: or_mapping.StartUpTask
== application.xml ==
<?xml version="1.0"?>
== orion-application.xml ==
<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <client-module auto-start="true" path="ejb-start-up" user="admin"/>
    Orion version is 1.5.2.

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