
Apart from binding ejb instances in the orion server, I would like to
bind RMI objects. I try this piece of code but it failed because the 
server can't find the
remote interface (simpleInterface) of the simpleImpl server :


try {
      simpleImpl obj = new simpleImpl();

      InitialContext ctx = null;

      // context creation
      Hashtable henv = new Hashtable();
      henv.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL,"ormi://<MY IPADDR>/simple");  
    ctx = new InitialContext(henv);
      } catch(Exception e){
    System.err.println("Failure when trying to initialize CTX");

      ctx.bind("simpleServer", obj);  
    } catch (NamingException ne) {
      System.err.println("Failure when trying to bind the simple server");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println("simpleImpl err: " + e.getMessage());


The following error is throwned :

Error binding to server: com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: 
Disconnected: Class Not Found: simpleInterface

I'm aware that when you deploy an ejb you specify in a descriptor the 
remote interface of the ejb but here we do not want
to do this, we only want to bind dynamically others kind of objects in 
the naming service.

Has anyone encoutered the same trouble ?

        Gautier Koscielny

 Gautier Koscielny                                               .~.
 Voice: (+33/0) 320 164 055     IT-OMICS                         /V\
 Fax:   (+33/0) 320 164 001     885, Avenue Eugène Avinée       /( )\
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   F-59120 Loos Lez Lille          ^^-^^  

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