I've gotten Orion setup on OSX and there are definately some nuances to it
because of Apple's wacky implementation of things.  

On the tools.jar - you'll need to symlink the apple version of the tools.jar
into the Orion directory.  THough I can't remeber what apple called the
file, I know this worked fine when I found the file (it might be

On the permission denied - its definately because you are trying to access a
priveledged port (e.g. port 80).  The change you made to the configuration
file will work if you make sure to follow standard XML syntax and put the
value in quotes (port="8080").

-----Original Message-----
From: Pauline McNamara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 5:57 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Orion on Macintosh OSX setup 

Patience with a newbie please... 

I'm setting up Orion on a Mac with OSX 10.1 (so J2SE 1.3.1) and
have come upon 2 stumbling blocks. Any advice is much appreciated.

First: According to the installation instructions, the JDK's tools.jar file 
should be copied into the Orion directory. On the OSX the JDK is structured
differently and the
tools  in the form of a .jar file are not to be found. Any hints?

Second: I went ahead and started orion with <java -jar orion.jar> and get
following error message:
"Error starting HTTP-Server: Permission denied
 Orion/1.5.2 initialized"
I understand that I can't access port 80 when not logged in at the root, and

that I probably have to alter the web.xml file to change the port (to a port
over 1024). 
I tried adding this: 
<web-site host="localhost" port=8080>
but got the same message.
Could someone please point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance,

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