Sent an email a while ago about migrating an app developed on Orion 1.5.2 to WebLogic 6.1 and as requested am letting you know about the 'quirks' I encountered!
As its an intranet app and aint gonna have that many hits I didn't opt for using Apache to server static content, but my impression is that if you are gonna get a lot of hits they recommend using Apache. Setting this up didn't look that complicated and there are plenty info on doing this.
If you are using Oracle and the type4 JDBC drivers, there are quite a few issues WebLogic has. For example, if you do a select for update and autocommit is on, it messes up. Cant list them all, but had to do quite a few tweaks to the code to get it to work. There is a lot of information on these issues and I recommend reading it thoroughly before (which I didn't :) Its understandable why Oracle are using Orion for their app server.
In terms of Deployment, Weblogic 6.1 is really designed for EJB 2.0 and deploying apps as ear, war, and jar files via the gui console. But as I built mine exploded and EJB1.1 it was a bit fiddly to get it to work, but not impossible. The biggest prob I encountered was that it doesn't automatically generate its version of orion-ejb-jar.xml (weblogic-ejb-jar.xml). You have to create this yourself but its not complicated.
I had problems with the servers mime-types. If you have any odd mime-types (and by odd I mean a ms word file) you need to specify mime mappings in your WEB-INF/web.xml . There is no mime list like the file mime.types in Orion.
Overall, most of the problems I had was really figuring out how WebLogic works. It is way more complicated then Orion, which I think is intentional on BEA's part, and really really expensive. After using WebLogic, I have become an even bigger fan of Orion!
Hope you find this info useful. If you have any questions let me know!

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