I've inherited some code and it doesn't look complete, and I'm not even sure
that it will work- at least with Orion. So...

We've got multiple servers- some are always connected, some are only
connected periodically, some are only connected when the sysadmin physically
performs some task and then only for a limited time.

The goal is that we'd like to be able to "push" a message to a specific
server through user control. We know all of the addresses of all the
possible machines ahead of time, so having the user enter a JNDI name is not
an issue, and I can setup a servlet/whatever to provide this selection

The previous programmer on this project thought that JMS would be a good
solution for this, with each server being a JMS server. However I'm not
certain that this is going to work-- at least not with Orion out of the box.

Current Basic flow:

Client creates a temporary queue for message responses
Client selects a particular machine (i.e. JNDI name)
We write to a Queue on the remote server, setting reply to to be the temp
queue on the "local" JMS server.
Remote system processes message and sends back a response to the temp queue.

Is the above in any way, shape, or form feasible with Orion? I've been doing
a crash course on JMS (thanks to O'reilly), but after reading the books and
the Orion docs, I'm thinking that this may be better suited for a servlet
based approach.

Any help is appreciated!

robert hedin
NDS Systems, Inc.

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