
As per EJB Specifications whenever any business method 'xxx' is called
on a bean, container must call methods in following sequence on the EJB

1. ejbLoad
2. xxx <business method>
3. ejbStore

Orion also behaves this way unless configured to do so, it needs to be
specified for a bean whether it has exclusive write access for the
underlying tables. This parameter is placed in the orion-ejb-jar.xml
which is created in <ORION_HOME>/application-deployments/...
For each bean deployed the file consits following entry :

                <entity-deployment name="AuthNode" location="AuthNode"
wrapper="AuthNodeHome_EntityHomeWrapper3" table="AuthNode"
                        <resource-ref-mapping name="jdbc/AstraDB" />
                <session-deployment name="Login" location="Login"
wrapper="LoginHome_StatefulSessionHomeWrapper2" timeout="1800"
                        <resource-ref-mapping name="jdbc/AstraDB" />

The parameter exclusive-write-access="false" must be exclusively
specified (otherwise it defaults to be true) to make Orion behave as per
the specifications. Otherwise Orion caches the bean for all further
request on the bean.



-----Original Message-----
From: Shah, Ritesh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 3:33 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Caching / Pooling of BMP Entity bean.

  I am getting a weird error. I am using oracle oc4j 
   I am calling an entity bean  from session bean. The error I get is
when I
call an entity bean for the first time it gives me proper result then I
update the data and from next call onward it gives me  the cached value
it loaded for the first time call. It even doesn't give me stored value.
try to trace it but I get the same error. From database it is retrieving
proper value while doing ejbFindbyPrimarykey but doesn't give proper
It never again call ejbload. That what I found by tracing it.

Any help will be appreciated.


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