
This is certainly one way to do things (nest the applications) - but there
are some limitations to this method (namely it's Orion specific, and you can
only have one parent app, the apps must be on the same server).

For details on how to do it other ways (proper remote EJBs), see this

Hope this helps,


Mike Cannon-Brookes

Atlassian ::
    Supporting YOUR world

On 17/1/02 2:44 AM, "Klaus Thiele" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) penned the words:

> server.xml:
>  <application name="ejbapp"
>                    path="../applications/ejbapp.ear"/>
>  <application name="webapp" parent="ejbapp"
>                    path="../applications/webapp.ear"/>
> ... nothing else. webapp can use the ejbs in ejbapp as if they
> are in its own ear-file.
> hope that helps
> klaus
> Am Donnerstag, 17. Januar 2002 00:47 schrieben Sie:
>> Hi,
>> If you have two applications in the same orion
>> container. One application with web components and
>> another with just EJB's. From the application with web
>> components, I want to lookup an EJB that is deployed
>> in the other application - is that possible via the
>> InitialContext or do I have to call it via an URL and
>> getting the extra RMI call?
>> I can get it to work using a provider URL to the other
>> application, but using the InitialContext, the local
>> context - it cannot find the bean, or more correct,
>> the JNDI name could not be found.
>> Any help is appreciated !
>> Thanks,
>> Patrik
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