Hi All

Just a follow up on my question about using two instances of orion and
handeling distributed transactions.


A customer account object holds the balance for the customer and is a
Container Managed Persistance Entity Bean.

Customer accesses server 1 and loads customer account with balance = 10
Admin staff accesses server 2 and loads customer account with balance = 10

Customer buys 1 unit and balance is now 9.
Admin staff passes a journal correction (ie add 1) and balance is now 11.

A check on the database after this seqeunce and yup balance = 11.

I have tested orion with the transaction isolation level ="serializable"
which is the only other level that Oracle supports and this occurs.

Is this an orion limitation or is there some setting/some way of getting
around this ?

Any help/input would be greatly appreciated. The only way around this
serious problem I can think of is a complete re-write of EJBs to used
Container managed persistance and manually control isolation with a version
attribute (painful).


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