We use XDoclet and are happy doing so.

/Marcus Ahnve

On Thu, 2002-01-24 at 14:27, Michal Palicka wrote:
> Hello, 
> what tools do you use to generate various descriptors
> (beans, applications, etc.)?
> Do you prefer writing descriptors manualy?
> Could you give me any hints?
> I tried the EJB Assembler tool, which is a part of Orion, 
> but I could not generate the EJB descriptor.
> I am able to generate the EJB jar file, but without the descriptor.
> When I try to save the descriptor I always get the 
> following error: Couldn't save to that location: META-INF.
> Could you tell me, what are the correct steps to generate 
> an EJB + the corresponding descriptor?
> Thanks in advance
> Michal Palicka, Cleverlance
Marcus Ahnve                          email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lecando AB                           Office: +46-(0)8-634 94 18
Sweden                               Mobile: +46-(0)70-462 19 18
www.lecando.com                        ICQ#: 4564879

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