Hi Takeo,
Wehn we came across this issue, we wrote our own servlet filter as IP 
based security is not defined in the JDK spec and then, even if you fin 
a solution like the one you ask, it will be orion-specific and 
non-portable. On the other hand, if you write your filter carefully, you 
can have a pretty flexible tool to do what you want (In our case we 
define the IP/Hostname masks through an XML document that can be loaded 
through the network, filesystem...).

Takeo Kameda wrote:

> Hi All.  This is my first post.
> I would like to allow only certain IPs to access some of my site.  I know
> that
> can be done in orion-web.xml using "access-mask/ip-access", but I believe
> it can only be applied to the whole application.  What I want to do is to
> block
> IPs only to a certain directory.  Is there any easy way to do that, like
> using
> .htaccess for apache?  or, do I have to write my own servlet filter for
> that?
> thanks in advance.

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