resend...first one didn't catch.

-----Original Message-----
From: The elephantwalker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 11:17 AM
To: Orion-Interest; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Sharing session across web apps

>From my post on oracle otn:

Session data is not shared between web applications. User data is definantly
important to share between applications. The single-sign-on security option
in 9i AS is an example of this. But that's kindof a black box. If you use
single-sign-on, then simply getting the remote user from the request in your
servlet can be used as a key to get user data from your persistance layer
(ejb's or jdbc or even jms).

If you don't want to use single-sign-on, you can use a filter. There's some
url prestidigitation, but otherwise this approach is pretty simple:

1. Protect access to all of your web-app's urls with some naming convention
/webappname/secure*. However, don't use these urls in any web page. All
servlets and jsps you use should map names beginning with "secure".
2. Filter all access to your webapp (this is a new feature in servlet spec
2.3). Within the filter, use the session id as a key to find out if the user
is already login to any other web application. You will need a stateless
session bean to do this. The doFilter would be something like this:

SecurityBean securitybean = Utilities.getSecurityBean();
HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
if (session.getAttribute("myuserdata") == null){
UserData userdata = securitybean.getUserdata(sessionid);
if(userdata != null)

... now forward the request to the "secure*" url in the filter. If the user
was logged in with the slsb securitybean, then your web app will have all of
your user data. If the user is not logged in by the securitybean, then the
login prompt established in your web.xml will pop-up.

The only extra work is to have a slsb securitybean. This can use the
RoleManager in orion or it can use the jaas implementation in oc4j to log
the user in, using the sessionid to get the username.

The shared="true" attribute should be used for all application in the
*-web-site.xml, so that the sessionid's are the same.


the elephantwalker

.ps I you don't want to use the session id, you can use another more secure
time dependent MD5 hash key  which would be in a cookie or url tag. But then
this would be the single-sign-on application ;).

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Nimmons,
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 6:34 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Sharing session across web apps

I have one web-app which gathers a users information and place a userInfo
object in the session. I set the sharing attribute for this and all other
apps to true yet
when I go to another webapp from this one the objects in the session are no
longer there. the session ID between apps is the same but the creation time
and attributes are different. Has anyone succesfully configured webapps to
share sessions

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