Title: Re: Weird behaviour: Orion 1.5.3 / Postgres 7.2RC2 / RH7.2
Gonna try this since i use ipchains to redirect 80 -> 10080 as you said.
I will let you know if it solve the issue.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 3:50 AM
Subject: Re: Weird behaviour: Orion 1.5.3 / Postgres 7.2RC2 / RH7.2


This may be a shot in the dark but had a very similar problem on one of our servers.

Are you running Orion on a non-privileged port and using ipchains to map (say port 80 to port 8000?) If so, the problem is with ipchains. We moved to using iptables and it works perfectly now.

As I said, may be a shot in the dark but it might be the problem.


Mike Cannon-Brookes

Atlassian :: www.atlassian.com
    Supporting YOUR world

On 3/2/02 3:47 AM, "Christian Meunier" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) penned the words:

Hi,i re installed my server yesterday, upgrading mainly the os and some hardware.

I got like 30 000 visit / day with 2Millions hits
the os is : RH 7.2, the cpu is an athlon 600MHz with 1.5Go SDRAM
got an Adaptec raid controller 3200S ( one array in raid 1)

Top snapshot:

 4:41pm  up  2:43,  1 user,  load average: 62,01, 58,01, 48,15
262 processes: 230 sleeping, 32 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states: 15,4% user, 84,5% system,  0,0% nice,  0,0% idle
Mem:  1544452K av,  492688K used, 1051764K free,   62064K shrd,   36688K buff
Swap: 2096472K av,       0K used, 2096472K free                  171564K cached

 3075 orion     18   0 14584  14M  2928 R     1,3  0,9   0:02 java
 3073 orion     17   0 14584  14M  2928 R     1,2  0,9   0:01 java
 3074 postgres  15   0 21864  21M 21156 R     1,2  1,4   0:02 postmaster
 3093 orion     18   0 14584  14M  2928 R     1,2  0,9   0:01 java
 1710 orion     17   0 77860  75M  2976 S     1,1  4,9   0:27 java
 3000 root      17   0  1184 1184   836 R     1,1  0,0   0:06 top
 3076 postgres  17   0 21192  20M 20516 R     1,1  1,3   0:01 postmaster
 3095 postgres  16   0 21696  21M 20996 R     1,1  1,4   0:01 postmaster
 2463 postgres  11   0 45404  44M 43936 S     1,0  2,9   0:29 postmaster
 1509 orion     12   0 77812  75M  2976 R     0,9  4,9   0:28 java
 1511 orion     11   0 77812  75M  2976 R     0,9  4,9   0:29 java
 1585 orion     18   0 77860  75M  2976 R     0,9  4,9   0:25 java
 2240 orion     13   0 77900  75M 65396 S     0,9  4,9   0:23 java
 2652 orion     11   0 77900  75M 63556 S     0,9  4,9   0:13 java
 2734 orion     20   0 77900  75M 55948 R     0,9  4,9   0:09 java
 3031 postgres  20   0 33344  32M 32188 R     0,9  2,1   0:03 postmaster
 3126 postgres  13   0 27988  27M 27300 S     0,9  1,8   0:00 postmaster
 2173 orion      9   0 77900  75M 65396 S     0,8  4,9   0:18 java
 2182 orion     12   0 77900  75M 65396 S     0,8  4,9   0:21 java
 2184 orion     14   0 77900  75M 65396 S     0,8  4,9   0:22 java
 2484 orion     10   0 77900  75M 63556 S     0,8  4,9   0:17 java
 2505 orion     11   0 77900  75M 63556 S     0,8  4,9   0:11 java
 2687 orion     10   0 77900  75M 55948 S     0,8  4,9   0:11 java
 2886 postgres  14   0 28032  27M 26520 S     0,8  1,8   0:09 postmaster
 2959 postgres  16   0 33128  32M 31984 R     0,8  2,1   0:04 postmaster

I was used to handle the load perfectly well and now its messy and i have no clue why.

I wonder why i have a system cpu state so high, leading to a very very high load average.
for this snapshot i started orion with no argument ( java -jar orion.jar)
As for postgres ( max backend set to the default 32):
    tcpip_socket = true
    shared_buffers = 16384
    sort_mem = 4096
    wal_buffers = 2048
    wal_files = 3

If someone has some ideas or tips to find out whats going on...
Thx in advance
Best regards


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