See below for an interesting test one of the OFBiz guys did using their
framework in different servers.

Good to see Orion smoked 'em! ;)
(Yes, I'll give up a half second for my $1500/server vs ~$10k/cpu for WL!)


Mike Cannon-Brookes

Atlassian ::
    Supporting YOUR world

------ Forwarded Message
From: "David E. Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Open For Business
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 03:11:43 -0700
Subject: [Ofbiz-devel] App Server Performance

As many of you know we have been working on making sure that OFBiz runs on a
number of different J2EE app servers. We have also been putting together
directories for each server with instructions and the files needed to get it

We have it running on a few different ones now, and I've noticed that
performance varies a LOT between different app servers. So, I grabbed JMeter
and did some little tests.

These results are average response times with 6 simultaneous hits on the
server that repeat as soon as a response it received, the default little
JMeter behavior. The page hit was ecommerce/control/main which has
on the side and two products in the promos category. Note that most of the
servers could do a .25 to .3 second response for this page with one hit at a
time (except Tomcat, which is higher).

Weblogic: 0.8 seconds avg
Orion: 1.44 seconds avg
Resin: 1.6 seconds avg
Tomcat: 6.0 seconds avg

As you can see Tomcat doesn't do very well under the load. Single page hits
come in anywhere from .15s to 1.5s, so performance is all over the chard,
the average for Tomcat seems to be about 1s. So, it doesn't do so well for
single hits either.

Why the performance difference? My guess is that there are resource handling
differences, taglib container differences, etc. It would seem like most of
the code is in OFBiz anyway, so there shouldn't be much difference. But,
different containers do things VERY differently, evidently.

One thing to note about Weblogic is that they have a native performance pack
for Linux which was being used for this test, which seems to give them a bit
of an advantage (if only it weren't so expensive).

Another thing found in recent timing excercises is that OFBiz is pretty slow
for a lot of things, especially in certain parts of ecommerce where tons of
information is being thrown around. We are doing some profiling and little
improvements here and there to speed things up, and it would be great to
help with that. It's a great way to get to know the OFBiz internals. One
I have just started to try is Sitraka's JProbe, which gets some nice info.
They have a free demo download available (only 7 days though...).

-David Jones

Ofbiz-devel mailing list

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