Geoff Soutter wrote

>I've hacked up an Orion Appender to allow you to log to the
>application.log file, via the Logger instance that Orion installs at
>java:comp/Logger. Here it is in all it's glory, use it however you wish.
>PS, did anyone figure out if it's possible to get orion to roll it's log
>files when they get too big? ;-)
How about Orion logs to a log4j output device instead of apps logging to 
Orion's log
files?   Or did I miss understand this functionality??

Personally I feel the new log4j 1.3 features that make it easier for 
each application
to have it's xml config file in the .war / .ear so that apps can have 
their own (separate)
log files from each other to be a very useful choice.

My view of the problem of deploying and supporting a j2ee app is the few 
features j2ee
put in the spec (a big zero) to allow debugging and logging of app, 
feature, bean operations.
I feel we need to drill on the debugging problem until we have a 
facility that supports
logging based on session ID, so that we can follow a particular user's 
actions and
failures across a cluster and set of services.

To me, moving to one log file for the universe is the wrong direction? 
 Any opinions?


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