I´m working with JBuilder6 and Orion. I have a need to use JSP in my 
project, but a didn´t come success in compile any JSP. 

My project includes all jars in ROOT-PATH/oc4j/j2ee/home. When I compile all 
project this fails and I Receive the following message from JBuilder6 

"Jsp1.jsp": Error #: 300 : method handlePageException(java.lang.Throwable) 
not found in class javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext" 

My Jsp source is generated from the JBuilder JSP Wizard. 

Does someone know how can I proceed? And what about debbuging, is possible 
debug a JSP using JBuilder and Orion? 

Carlos Roberto da Silva Júnior
Engenheiro de Software
Ramal - 4631 

Qualiti Software Processes - CESAR
Soluções para o processo de construção de software
+55 81 3272.4700 

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