See changes.txt

-- 1.5.4 --
Added support for local interfaces
Added support for many to many relationships
Added support for cascade-deletes
Added support for automatic primary keys (primary key class set to
Added windows security workaround patch

Fixed #188 JMS publish messages for autostarted clients
Fixed #197 finder method for non-existent ejb is not detected
Fixed #348 Class-Path: ignored in (unpacked) ejb-jar Manifest file
Fixed #349 Orion crashes when using primary keys in an incorrect way
Fixed #418 Class _yw has missing access specifier
Fixed #480 Remote JMS Subscriber TopicConnection.start() hangs
Fixed #493 JMS TextMessage with not text gives nullpointer exception wh...
Fixed #495 staleness parameter in DataSourceUserManager not implemented
Fixed #511 Problem receiving messages from a TopicSubscriber when run a...
Fixed #515 Tag library variable declaration
Fixed #531 EJB 2.0 PFD 2 feature <run-as> not implemented properly
Fixed #532 findByPrimaryKey fails when EJB has
Fixed #533 Taglib null parameters are handed as "null"
Fixed #534 Wrong exception when roleManager.addToRole(...) is called with a
null argument
Fixed #541 <use-caller-identity> tag doesn't conform to sun dtd
Fixed #568 incorrect max-tx-retries default
Fixed #569 Can't map servlet to *.db.htm
Fixed #575 Incorrect security exception when using JNDI
Fixed #576 array return types from taglibs not handled correctly
Fixed #582 ServletContext.getRequestDispatcher() handles non-existing JSP
Fixed #587 call to MessageDrivenContext.setRollbackOnly fails
Fixed #593 Can't send JMS messages from the init() method of a servlet
Fixed #611 CGI servlet errors
Fixed #619 Problem with HttpSession.invalidate()
Fixed #620 request.getServletPath() returns null if servlet is handling...
Fixed #626 Problem with conversion from literal String to object
Fixed #628 Memory leak using JMS
Fixed #632 jsp:param tag does not accept request time attributes
Fixed #637 application code causes a NPE in container-generated code
Fixed #646 Generated source for jsp is saved in a file whose name does...
Fixed #650 popBody in PageContext should not be abstract
Fixed #660 Log JSP compilation errors in a log file
Fixed #663 Child applications do not have proper user manager hierarchy
Fixed #664 EJBUserManager has unimplemented functions
Fixed #665 Cannot use java option -Xfuture
Fixed #669 Orion JMS hanging intermittently on Message send/receive
Fixed #679 ejbStore and dirty detection problem (EJB CMP2)
Fixed #680 method ServletRequest.getParameterMap() not implemented acco...
Fixed #693 Classloader gives highest priority to WEB-INF/lib

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