Well... I don't really know what did you do to get this behavior (I am
trying for about 6 months to do that, and could not), but that is LEGAL
  Look at the "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header. That means, that the
response from the servlet consists of several "chunks".

  Line 1 ( the 4 thing) means, that there wilkl be 4 bytes of the first
chunk. than a newline, than line 3 ( the 0 thing) means there are no more
chunks to be sent.

  Can you please post the whole code? And the web-xml part (orion-web-xml
also if applicable)?

  That way we may look further into the "problem"? I wish I knew how to do
  That is a VERY useful feature, especialy, when you need to do some
heavy-time-consuming things in the servlet. Just post a chunk every couple
of seconds, and the browser will NOT timeout.

  This is VERY useful. Believe me.

  P.S. I would REALLY like to see your "solution".

> I've got a problem with HttpServletResponse. Here's my test-servlet
> response.setContentType("text/plain");
> PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
> out.print("TEST");
> Here's what I get telneting:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> platon% telnet localhost 8888
> GET /lux/testz HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost
> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 17:57:20 GMT
> Server: Orion/1.5.4
> Connection: Close
> Content-Type: text/plain
> Transfer-Encoding: chunked
> 4
> 0
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> What 4? What 0? What extra newline? This breaks just about everything.
Where did
> I go wrong, any ideas?
> Tommi Penttilä

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