
Best regards
Joacim Järkeborn

----- Original Message -----
From: Tom Holmes Jr.
To: Orion-Interest
Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2002 9:51 PM
Subject: Login Security

I've been using Orion since the 1.4.x version and I love it so far.  I have
used it for deploying JSP, Servlets, and JavaBeans under the default
web-app.  I've even learned how to create virtual hosts with Orion.   Now I
am learning more about web-apps, EAR files, and WAR files on Orion and BEA

However, my main question is about Login Security with Orion, it looks
daunting to say the least.

Let's say I have two different web-sites:     and
Both of these can be browsed to, but I want one of these to pop-up a dialog
box to ask for username and password.  I suspect, that this can only be done
with the actual 'mywebapp' and not with the directory that is just off the

Ok, so lets say I have two virtual hosts like this:    and
Both of these can also be browsed to, but I want of these to have security
so that a dialog box pops-up and asks for username and password.

In both these scenarios, I am looking to add login security, and U am not
sure if there are two different ways of doing this with Orion.   If any help
can be provided, or if you know of anyplace where I can look.   Please let
me know.

Thanks for you help.


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