I need some help understanding the configuration of Orion so that I can
learn EJB.  I understand most of the concepts behind it, but am failing in
configuring my server properly.

Right now, I'm doing the Cabin bean example out of Enterprise JavaBeans (2nd
Ed) by O'Reilly publishing.  I'm doing the first example with the basic
cabin bean, and static application (I'm not looking up the entity beans from
a servlet - I am looking them up from a static void main method in a class).
Anyways, I'm getting the following error:

"Error reading application-client descriptor:  No location specified and not
suitable instance of the type 'com.titan.cabin.Cabin' found for the ejb-ref

I have the application being deployed properly.  I have an ejb-jar.xml in
the META-INF directory in my cabin.jar.  I have an application.jar in the
META-INF directory of my cabin.ear file.  I have an application-client.xml
file in the META-INF directory where my application Client_1.class resides.
When I invoke the client, I set the classpath to reference the directory
where Client_1.class is, so that it can find the application-client.xml
file, and it does.  But I'm getting that error.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


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