
we are running a simple web applications - just servlets - on an older
Windows NT Server with two Pentium two 233 MHz CPUs. The performance on the
server was acceptable and pages showed up pretty quickly in the browsers. 

Now we bought a new server (still Windows NT) with two Pentium III Xeon 8xx
MHz CPUs (same amount of memory) and moved the application to the new
server. We expected that the performance would increase because of the
faster CPUs but the opposite happened. Our first tests showed a dramatic
increase of response time. Pages that showed up in just one or two seconds
on the old server, now take ten and more seconds to show up. 

We start Orion with the same java runtime parameters as on the old server.
Also the configuration of the Apache server that we use a front end to Orion
did not change. 

Does anyone have an idea how this performance decline is possible? Shouldn't
it be faster on fastes CPUs?

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