Hello all!

We are developing an Orion-based system. In short, there are three beans:
GameSession (stateful session bean), GameMachine and
UserData (CMP entity beans, pure data with almost no logic). All methods in the beans 
have Required
transaction attribute in deployment descriptor, there is an CMT
datasource set up (as a wrapper to PostgresqlDataSource).

When I call the business methods of the GameSession bean (usually from
a servlet), it seems(from the database log) that the calls to entity
beans are not encompassed in a transaction, but start their own
transactions. Moreover, this results in multiple updates to the
database (I think one call to ejbStore() for every setter call), causing everything to 
run quite
slow. The ejbLoad is called only once, though.

What I am doing wrong or what else should I do to make it work in
single transaction and single ejbLoad/ejbStore call?

Best regards,
 Grzegorz                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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