Hi Daniel -
Like I said, I didn't look at it to see if it worked (doubt it does) I was just testing
functionality. I just added the ear file information to the server.xml file and tried 
deploying it
- I didn't rebuild it or anything like that (orion will ignore the j2ee-ri stuff) - 
just the basic
quick/dirty deployment.

--- Daniel Chandran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ray,
> Yes it is the CartApp.ear  from the j2ee tutorial.  And I am trying it
> under Orion 1.5.4.   I rebuilt  the ear file without
> the j2ee-ri specific files.   I set up a  tree similar to the hello-planet
> tutorial, and modified the build.xml of
> the tutorial to build the  ear.
> Were you able to deploy under Orion 1.5.4, and if so what exactly are the
> steps you followed.
> Thanks,
> Daniel
> Daniel -
> Are you refering to the CartApp.ear from the j2ee tutorial for jdk1.3? If
> so, what is your Orion
> version? It deploys (haven't tested the functionality) on 1.5.4. Keep in
> mind that ear file
> deployment might be different across app servers if there are app-server
> specific components
> contained in it. For instance if there are j2ee-ri specific requirements
> for this app (which I
> believe there are), the app may deploy in Orion but you will have to then
> adjust the orion config
> accordingly. Also keep in mind that Orion isn't yet j2ee1.3 certified and
> that 1.5.4 was the first
> release to add the up-to-date functionality of that spec and there are
> missing pieces and bugs
> that they are working through at this point. (Just to keep in mind ;-)
> Cheers
> Ray
> --- Daniel Chandran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am trying to deploy the "cart" application that comes with the
> > j2eetutorial  package from Sun (not the one
> > that comes with Orion) , and get the following error while deploying:
> >
> > Auto-deploying cart (New server version detected)...
> > Auto-deploying cart-ejb.jar (No previous deployment found)...
> > CartHome_StatefulS
> > essionHomeWrapper1.java:29: class
> > com.evermind.server.ejb.StatefulSessionContext
> >  is an abstract class. It can't be instantiated.
> > StatefulSessionContext context = new StatefulSessionContext();
> >                                  ^
> > CartHome_StatefulSessionHomeWrapper1.java:92: class
> > com.evermind.server.ejb.Stat
> > efulSessionContext is an abstract class. It can't be instantiated.
> > StatefulSessionContext context = new StatefulSessionContext();
> >                                  ^
> >
> > The same ear file deploys without any problem under the j2ee server.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Daniel G. Chandran
> > Reuters Online Solutions.
> >
> >
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