I had the same issue. We did do it as a filter. However we checked to see if
the a user context object (ie object where the informaiton was stored)
existed in the session. If not then checked to see if the user was logged
in. If not then skip setting up the object. Works pretty good.

-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron Tavistock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 1:44 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: J2EE Security issue...

We've been using J2EE based security for some time now, its working great
for us supporting several hundred users distributed across a handful of

Heres my issue - I have a set of things that happen on every page, a portion
of which is looking for a 'new' login which then launches a series of things
including doing database lookups, dropping stuff in the session, etc.  

Its occured to me that it would be significantly more effective if this was
chained off the J2EE authentication, instead of checking on each page.  I
started looking into it and it looks like 1) its not part of the spec and 2)
Orion has no specific implementation.   The current implementation of J2EE
security is so completely handled by the container that theres no way to get
something in there.

I then started going down the question of 'what is J2EE security except a
filter?', so I could potentially chain a filter through there?  It doesn't
solve the problem because it still happens on each page hit.

Anyone have any ideas on the best way to do 'postprocessing' when the user
is authenticated?

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