I've been working with JMS in orion for a bit, and it seems the only queue connection factory that is recognized is 'theQueueConnectionFactory'.  So, in my program, i'd do a jndi lookup on:  java:comp/env/jms/theQueueConnectionFactory.
Now, in the J2EE SDK from sun, the documentation on JMS suggests that you can create new connection factories using the following command line:
j2eeadmin -addJmsFactory jndi_name queue
However, there doesn't seem to be an type of executable 'j2eeadmin' anywhere - not even in the sdk.
I guess, my question is this.  Do you really need to create different connection factories, or can you just use the default one that comes with Orion?  If you can create new connection factories, how do you go about creating one under orion ( I know that you can add reference to one using the jms.xml configuration file, but that factory has to already exist - at least it seems that way ).
Anyways, any understanding would be greatly appreciated.

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