I am deploying an ear file, which contains a war file.  The war file has 
a jar in the WEB-INF/lib directory.

However, when I start the server, and it is deploying the ejb jars in 
the same application - it says it can't find the classes in that jar file.

I saw this once before when some ancestor classes weren't found.  My 
solution for that was to include those classes in each of the jar files. 
  But in that case, there were only a couple of classes.

Is there some sort of initialization step that doesn't include the jars 
in the web-inf/lib directory for the J2EE application?  Where do I put 
these jars?  I can't put them in j2ee/home/lib, becasuse they could be 
different between j2ee apps.

Thanks for your help,

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