You should set the exclusive-write-access="false" in your orion-ejb-jar.xml file since you are not accessing the table (exclusively) through the Entity bean.  Why not have the stateless session bean use the create() method in the Entity bean's home?  Have you run into a performance issue pertaining to that to where it is inefficient to use the create()?
-----Original Message-----
From: Kumar, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 2:30 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Java newsgroups: Entity Beans not synchronising with database

We are currently using a stateless session bean to perform a direct update of a table in the database and then using a finder method in the home interface of an entity bean which is mapped over the same table to retrieve the records that have just been updated. Because both transactions are managed by the application server, it should know that the entity beans need to refresh from the database because some data has changed.
However the result is that the direct update is committing the change to the database as you would expect, but the entity beans retrieved do not reflect that change. Do we need to force the entity bean to refresh from the database?
We are using 1.5.4 Orion Application Server, EJB 1.1 and MSSQL 7 database.
- dave

Dave Kumar. Software Developer

Prolog4 - Prolog House, Littlemoor, Eckington, Sheffield, S21 4EF
TEL: +44(0)1246 439400 FAX: +44(0)1246 439401

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