AJP12 was in Orion, but was disabled due to bugs.  Perhaps Oracle has 
fixed those bugs in their version & re-enabled it.

I have no idea if Ironflare are planning to fix this.


Aaron Tavistock wrote:
> Last year at JavaONE Karl told me that Orion supported AJP12.  I've tried
> mod_jk in several ways, tried looking for a place to set an AJP connector in
> Orion, and even poped open the orion.jar looking for a connector.  It never
> worked - so I gave up many months ago.
> Now its becoming more important and I notice that the Oracle 9iAS supports
> AJP12.  What gives?
> Karl?  Magnus?  AJP support?

Scott Farquhar :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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