You don't need BMP to do this, CMP works just fine.  Create separate
entity beans for Movie, Actor, etc and establish many-to-many
relationships between them.

However, I will provide this warning:  If you don't already know how to
do this, that is, if you haven't already climbed the EJB learning curve,
you will be a *lot* happier if you choose some other O/R mapping tool.
Torque, Castor, Hibernate, JDO, or even just straight JDBC; with any of
these solutions, your project will be up and running long before an
entity bean solution, and it will perform a lot better too.
Relationships in particular are hopelessly immature in Orion, and
they're even painful in WebLogic.

Jeff Schnitzer

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Nias [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 7:49 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: RE: OffTopic: Entity-Beans and relational structure
> If you get the Java 2 Enterprise Edition Developers Guide (I have v
> 1.2.1 pdf) from
> Then it is on page 135 - Mapping Table Relationships to Entity beans
> It goes on to describe when you should use entity beans, and when to
> helper classes (hint: that is what you need!)
> It also gives a good example with source code.
> Be warned though; you will have to use BMP!
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Maximilian
> Eberl
> Sent: 24 April 2002 13:13
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: OffTopic: Entity-Beans and relational structure
> Excuse me for asking off topic (and stupid), I am just learning to use
> Entity Beans on Orion.
> In most tutorials entity beans only represent ONE ROW from ONE TABLE,
> but
> relational databases go far beyond that.
> I have a relational database for movies, actors, directors & writers.
> So I have a table tblMovies
> INT id, VARCHAR title, INT year, VARCHAR description
> e.g.:
> 1, 'Casablanca',1942,'the classical movie'
> 2, 'The Maltese Falcon',1946,'begin of the dark series'
> 3, 'The Seawulf',1947,'after the novel from Jack London'
> ...
> I have a tblActors (INT id, VARCHAR name)
> 1,'Humphrey Bogart'
> 2,'Ingrid Bergman'
> 3,'Edward G. Robinson'
> ...
> and in the same manner tblDirectors, tblWriters
> And I have tables for the relations, e.g.
> tblRoles (INT filmid, INT actorid)
> 1,1
> 2,1
> 1,2
> 3,3
> ..
> and also tblMisEnScene, tblScreenplay
> meaning: Humphrey Bogart (actorid: 1) appeared in 'Casablanca'
> 1)
> and 'The Maltese Falcon' (filmid: 2), Ingrid Bergman (actorid: 2)
> appeared
> in 'Casablanca' (filmid: 1), Edward G. Robinson (actorid: 3) appeared
> 'The Seawulf' (filmid: 3) . So this relational structure allows that
> film can have multiple actors, writers, directors and one actor can
> appear
> in multiple films. Relational basework, of course.
> If I want to extract those films in which Humphrey Bogart appeared I
> do
> this easily in SQL (used by a Servlet) with:
> SELECT title FROM tblFilms WHERE id IN (SELECT filmid FROM tblRoles
> actorid=(SELECT id FROM tblActors WHERE name='Humphrey Bogart'))
> (or as in my case with JOINS from MySQL)
> When I do want to write an EJB-Application using this database, how do
> do
> this ? How do I represent the relational data ?
> Do I have to keep Entity Beans for EVERY row of ANY table ? Do I have
> create temporary tables with all information merged ? This creates a
> problem
> because one film can have one or more writers (Casablanca had three)
> (in
> most cases) more than one actor.
> This way  ?
> public class MovieBean implements javax.ejb.EntityBean
>     {
>     String Title;
>     String[] Actors;
>     ...
>     public String getTitle() throws RemoteException;
>         {...
>         }
>     public String[] getActors() throws RemoteException;
>         {
>         return Actors[];
>         }
>     }
> using Arrays filled from the database with all actors, directors,
> writers ?
> Please give me a hint ! (Well, I know I am stupid. But it is a good
> to
> help stupid persons)
> Maximilian Eberl

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