Were Bar Kochba coins found with the Copper Scroll in Cave 3?

With thanks to Joan Taylor for bringing this to attention, and the following
is quoted below with Taylor's permission. The question is if anyone can shed
light on this report. The report below is inconsistent with one of the most
basic and
repeated truisms of Qumran archaeology, namely that no coins were supposed
have been found in any of the scroll-bearing caves.  Greg Doudna

--------------- start excerpt from J. Taylor------------
I have a photocopy of Judah Lefkovitz's Ph.D. thesis 'The Copper
A New Reading, Translation and Commentary', New York University, 1993.
He was quoting a NY Times article (i.e. the bit in the quotes is from the NY
and his footnote states that the article derived from this Religious News
At the beginning he [Lefkovitz] goes through all the newspaper reports of
finding of the Copper Scroll. The first report was published in NY Times,
Tuesday April 1, 1952, less than 2 weeks after the discovery of the Copper
The article is entitled 'Ancient Scrolls Found - Copper Sheets Left by
Essenes are
Dug Up in Judea'. It states: 'Two twin copper sheets, rolled scrollwise, and
apparently containing statues (sic) and laws of the Essenes, have been
in a cave in Judea by Father Roland de Vaux, director of the Dominican
School. Coins dating from the second Jewish revolt of 135 A.D. were
with the copper scrolls.' (p.13, col.6). This report derived from the
News Service from Jerusalem, March 31, 1952 - presumably on the basis of
an interview with de Vaux. I wonder if this is something Orion could grapple

----------end excerpt from J. Taylor-------------------

This next is too good to resist: this is also from J. Taylor, and presumably

"There's clearly a possibility that someone misunderstood and de Vaux never
there were Bar Kochba coins found with the Copper Scroll - maybe de Vaux,
speaking in a strong French accent, 'zer is the Bar Kochba period corner of
cave 'ere?' and the reporter heard 'there are Bar Kochba period coins in the
here', but de Vaux had also apparently said it was Essene, so I doubt if he
have speculated in this way."


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