Dear All,

Sometimes it's a disadvantage to be in a different time zone.  Sometimes
it's an advantage, as when 'while I was sleeping' Greg Doudna and Dave
Washburn more ably answered George Brooke than I surely would have.
Thank you both very much.

To summarize what I see as some of the main points:

The 'sectarian' documents from Qumran don't have to come from a sect we
know from other sources.

I don't see that we can even presume that 1QS is describing a real sect.

Even granting the presence of some clearly Essene texts among the Qumran
scrolls (which I am willing to do) doesn't necessarily mean that the
scrolls were therefore an Essene library.

It is a fallacy to say that one must find an existing theory convincing
unless one can propose another theory.  Not knowing is OK, and often the
only honest scholarly response.

Finally a point of logic:

George Brooke wrote:

"And this is the classic refutation that I find so "wanting".  Saying
"crucial differences" [between the Scrolls and our other sources on
Essenes] does not nullify an Essene hypothesis.... as long
as there are no other real contenders for what we DO find in 1QS.
It motivates one to explain the differences (regional or chronological)
within the Essene movement.  Hippolytus himself has a notoriously
overlooked treatment of the Essene movement changing over time
and being rendered into FOUR (4) factions.  And yet I see no one
examining this "on point" text for conclusions."


 "When someone shows that
Essenes could *NOT* have written a manuscript..... this will be
NEWS.... and I will be very interested in learning about that.
Otherwise, all I perceive is "obstructionism" .... throwing road
blocks in the way of the most encouraging line of investigation."

How can we disprove an Essene connection when you can explain away any
contrary evidence?  Your theory is therefore irrefutable.

Ian Young
Sydney University

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