Is there really any  intention to find strange texts of the political
opponent within the corpus of the DSS? treaties with a nonexistent Sparta?
one sided amicitia with Rome? Indian elephants and Greek mercenaries called

N.b. 'infra' (adv.) means 'below'; and a passage that exclusively follows
the course of the River Jordan and - here - of the Dead Sea, is always to be
understood in the sense of 'suedlich von'. Otherwise one would expect a
specification like 'infra... ...inter septentriones et occasium solis
(spectans)', ie 'below... ... northwest of'.
And I don't believe that a German scholar of old ever went out into the
field without a military compass.

Tot ziens.
              ( o o )
    Cunctine adestis, liberi?
  oooO   Hic est Casparolus
   (   )   Oooo         *g*
---\ (---(   )-----------------
     \_)    ) /

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