I am replying to the Digest form of this list so my comments are a day behind.

I just wanted to point out that the Suda mention of the Essaioi can be found on-line at

It is a short entry and this is it:

Essaioi: Ioudaioi, asketai, Pharisaion kai grammateon ten askesin ex epimetrou 
dianestekotes, progonoi Ionadab, huiou Rhichab tou dikaiou. philalleloi kai ton allon 
eulabeis pleion: hoi ten men hedonen hos kakian apostrephontai, ten de sophrosunen kai 
enkrateian kai to me tois pathesin hupopiptein areten hupolambanousi. kai gamos men 
par' autois huperoratai, allotrious de paidas neous eti proslambanomenoi kai 
didaskontes hos sungeneis hegountai kai tois ethesin heauton entupousi. kai pan 
aischron apoballontai kai pasan allen areten exaskousin. hoi epimelountai tes ethikes 
lexeos, theoriai de ta polla paramenousin. enthen kai Essaioi kalountai, touto 
delountos tou onomatos, toutesti theoretikoi. hoti Essaioi huperteroi sphodra kai lian 
huperkeimenoi ton Pharisaion kata ten politeian. 

David West
Tulsa Oklahoma

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