concepts of purity and its rhetoric defy clasification by reference to the 
boundary markers. Forinstance the am haaretz were treated as if they had 
zav impurity and gentiles the same. Now it is possible for  jew to have 
zav impurity but impossible for a gentile. None the less-- here gentiles 
were marked as Jews by the boundary markers --- but that is nonsense-- of 
course they were not considered Jews at all, non Jewish women were marked 
as "nida" but of course tehy were not. The terms and rhetoric refer to how 
a haver interacts with them and allows his family to interact with them. 
But it tells us nothing about the classification of the polarity 

Boundary Behaviors are insufficient to identify a group-- they are 
functional and utilitarian, social but not descriptive of any one specific 
entity. There are a lot of people I stay away from and for lots of 
reasons. The fact I avoid drunk drivers is not the same reason I avoid 
police cruisers. But my behavior is the same-- I want other cars between 
me and them. 

Thus there is nothing to learn from Essene behavior towards other Jews 
about how they viewed their Jewish identity.

Herb Basser
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